
The Government of Malawi is committed to achieving universal electrification by 2030. The country has a population of nearly 21 million, of which almost 4 million people, or 17 percent, have access to electricity. Recognizing that additional pathways are needed to achieve universal access, in 2018 the Government adopted a national electrification strategy.

Geospatial Electrification Plan

That same year, the NRECA International team developed an updated national geospatial electrification plan on behalf of Sustainable Energy For All (SE4All), to implement a combination of grid and off-grid investments by both public and private sector stakeholders. The Malawi Integrated Planning Tool was launched in 2023, after NRECA International led a team to produce the Malawi Integrated Energy Plan for SE4All to provide universal power, access to clean cooking and vaccines.

Clean Energy Cooperatives Program

In 2023, with funding support from the U.S. Agency for International Development, the NRECA International is implementing the Malawi Clean Energy Cooperatives Program (CECP), a four-year initiative to promote the development of five new clean energy cooperative enterprises in rural Malawi.

The CECP aims to:

  • Demonstrate how electric co-ops can support self-reliance in rural communities.
  • Establish reliable and affordable electricity service to support improved productivity in communities with newly formed co-ops.
  • Introduce the electric co-op business model as a to contribute to the expansion of electricity service in rural communities.


  • Sustainable Energy For All