Building a solid foundation
From 2010 to 2012, NRECA International partnered with Uganda’s Rural Electrification Administration (REA) to define the country’s electrification strategy through the Uganda Accelerated Rural Electrification Program. This World Bank funded project led to the development of a master electrification plan for one electric service territory in Uganda in 2014. By 2017, under the REA Master Plans project funded by the USAID/Power Africa program, the team completed master plans for all 13 of the country’s electric service territories.
Going off the grid
To further accelerate and expand electricity access in all service territories, the team is helped the REA develop an off-grid electrification strategy for Uganda. This included actively engaging private sector service providers and developers to coordinate renewable energy mini-grids and stand-alone energy solutions as part of a larger national electrification planning paradigm.
Connecting people to power
While access to power in rural communities are expanding, many consumers who are just 70 meters from a power line find themselves unable to pay for electric service. In some rural areas, only 10% of community members can afford the cost of an electric connection. Working with the Power Africa program, the NRECA International team is helping REA define a new connections policy that will finance service connections for community members who are unable to pay connection fees.
The story behind the data
In developing the master electrification plans for all of Uganda’s service territories, NRECA International has in-depth data that can help the REA and other agencies in Uganda better understand the affected population, their needs, and their ability and willingness to pay for power. This is critical to know best to connect these communities, making it possible for REA and its partners to take necessary steps to connect people who cannot afford to pay for power.