On March 4, 2024, we held our NRECA International Luncheon in San Antonio, Texas, during NRECA’s 2024 PowerXchange. This event was attended by more than 1,000 guests, of which almost 200 were international guests from six countries.
This year we celebrated CoBank’s renewed and continued support to our mission. We also heard from panelists who discussed the importance of supporting the development of electric co-ops in sub-Saharan Africa. The audience listened to first-hand the stories of emerging new electric co-ops in Zambia, pathways countries in this region are taking to achieve universal electrification, and how the electric co-op model has impacted this effort.
We also recognized the support from our volunteers who travel each year to bring first-time electricity to rural communities, and our donors who help us keep the lights on for thousands of people around the world.