Empowering health centers to strengthen communities
We believe that it starts with power – better health care, improved education, economic growth and safer streets, all begin with reliable and affordable electricity.
Ten years ago, America’s electric cooperatives renewed a partnership with NRECA International to bring power to families in Guatemala. Volunteers have built new distributions systems and brought light and hope to more than a thousand people in 20 villages. Since then, electric co-ops from 10 states have helped provide more than 8,000 people in Guatemala with power.

As part of our continued commitment to improve the lives of the families in these communities, we are launching the It Starts With Power: Better Health Care fundraising campaign. This campaign seeks to raise $85,000 to purchase equipment and tools to improve the services provided by health centers in Guatemalan communities.
What will your donation do?
Access to better health care is critical for an improved quality of life. For these communities, a better life started with power 10 years ago thanks to volunteers from America’s electric cooperatives. Now, we want to provide these health centers with the tools necessary to care for their communities. Donated funds will be used to buy refrigeration units, improve internal wiring, clean water filtration systems, and more. This initiative can also reduce the need for families to travel for hours – often on foot, to the nearest clinic to get basic medicine or health care.
How to help
- Donate directly via Paypal.
- Send a check to: NRECA International, PO Box 715472, Philadelphia, PA 19171-5472 and write in the memo: Better Health Care Guatemala
*Excess funds raised through this campaign will be rolled in the general NRECA International charitable fund to help with other electrification efforts around the world.